Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy New Year - Back to blogging

It's been awhile between posts.  Life has got in the way of creating for a couple of months.

Since I last posted in October, work has been pretty crazy and on the family front we have rented a home in Perth, our household contents have arrived from NZ (surprising amount of damage compared to some of our other international moves including my sewing table - thankfully now repaired by my very capable hubby), and I have largely unpacked into my own sewing room!  Yes! At last!  A room of my own to create in.  My family have all arrived safely in Perth, although our eldest daughter has just departed for a gap year tutoring in the UK.  (We are saving hard for our first trip to England to visit her in August/September.  Liberty is on the list).  We are slowly establishing our new life in Perth.

So what with unpacking, supporting my kids to settle and the heat of summer in Perth there has been little time to create or blog.  But I am now finding my way back to it.

I have unpacked a long untouched WIP from 2010, which I'll share photos of shortly.

In the spirit of the new year, some very modest goals for 2015...(giving myself full permission to add to these as the year goes on)

- Work out how to 'link up' (I am so technologically challenged I can't work out how to do this and no amount of google searching seems to help - any suggestions?) and link up to at least one linky party.

- Finish 2-3 WIP's

- Start and complete niece E's quilt

- Make 2-3 projects of my own design

- Take a photography course, so when we travel I can take better photos of all the many things that inspire me

Happy New Year!


  1. I'd love ti do a photography course.

  2. I'd love ti do a photography course.

  3. Hi Anna! I popped over from the comment you left on my blog... did you know you're a no-reply blogger? If you google it, you can find out how to change the setting so others can reply to your comments. Thank you for your kind comment.

    P.S. Link up's aren't too hard. Just follow the steps presented when you hit the "Add your link" button. You will need to copy and paste the address of your specific blog post where it asks for it and give your name and e-mail. The e-mail is kept private. Good luck! I'd come over and show you in person, but you live a little far from me!
