Wednesday, 23 April 2014

What I'm reading...'Paris Letters'

'Paris Letters' by Janice MacLeod

I started this yesterday and have to admit I'm really enjoying it. I'm a sucker for books about escaping the humdrum of the rat race and reinventing the good life someplace new - and this fits within this genre.

In a nutshell, Janice spends a year planning (and analysing why) her escape from her corporate role in LA, then takes off to travel in Europe. It includes the almost obligatory romance, but I enjoy her conversational style, and reflections. Yes, its almost chick lit, but there's nothing wrong with a little chick lit providing its not your entire literary diet!


  1. I'm reading Game of Thrones, I know, it's so fantasy, but so riveting, unexpected turns every chapter. Loving it, every night I go to bed to and escape to the 7 Kingdoms.

  2. Must say, love your header, need to do something with mine.
