Friday 30 January 2015

'Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn...' - Ipad mini case for E

The first of my babies has left home.  Oh such mixed emotions!  Pride that she is undertaking a big adventure (a gap year in the UK) on her own, excitement for all she will get to see, do and learn, and mourning that she is gone.  Our wee family just doesn't feel the same without her. 

We gave her an ipad mini for her birthday just before departure.  There was a strong selfish element, in that I felt it might make it easier for her to keep in touch regularly.

So an ipad mini case was called for.  I had hoped to make this in time to be part of her Christmas present, but instead it was whipped up in a couple of hours between Christmas and New Year.

It has a thin layer of batting to help protect her ipad, and is lightly quilted just following the pattern of the fabric.

I included a zipped pocket on one side that will take a charger cord and her earplugs, handy to have it all together for long flights.

She has always been highly imaginative and creative, (as you can see from her personal journal in the background of these photos.  Years ago, when she was about 7, I bribed her to take some medicine by telling her it would allow her to grow a unicorn horn - never thinking she would believe me, (not my finest mothering moment!).  She told me some years later that she rushed to the mirror every morning for two weeks waiting to see if the horn had appeared - and has never forgiven me for tricking her!

So there is also an inside pocket...

...because in the end my greatest wish for her is 'to always be herself, unless she can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn'!

While this was finished late 2014, I'm still linking it up with Thank God Its Finished Friday at Devoted Quilter


  1. Hi Anna, my first time here (I think) - found you through a comment on my blog. I love this zippered pouch and of course the story behind it. A way to remind your daughter you are right there even though she will be thousands of miles away. I agree - stories are the best.

  2. Love how you hid that unicorn away as a little surprise! I never think to do things like that!

    1. Thanks Jenn. It's one way of managing my tendency towards too many fabric choices! Tucking an extra something on the inside allows me to use one more. And means my daughter is saved from having to explain why there is a unicorn :)

  3. What a great story! I love the unicorn tucked inside - a sweet reminder of home no matter where she may roam. Thanks for linking to TGIFF!

  4. Love the fabric and how everything you make has a special meaning. She will have a wonderful time so exciting for her. And so many mixed emotions for you. But you must be so very proud. xxx

  5. This post made me smile so much, not just the gorgeous pouch/cover you have made but the story that goes with it too ... Hmm now I'm trying to remember all the long tales I've told my two!
